Headed out sporting the new Lincoln Industries kit. I know it's been a while since I've been off road but I couldn't ride over the slightest bump without falling. With all the rocks out there it took forever to ride a lap so to say that my skills were a little rusty is quite an understatement. After flailing about for a while I decided that I needed to go home before I hurt myself.
Today I went for the new 29'er Crew kit hoping for a change of luck. I tried something totally different and took the family to River Trails in Lawrence. Eli is just not quite ready to ride solo so I decided to hook up the tag-a- long to the Superfly. Probably not something the engineers planned for but what the heck.
Jonas was on his first off road adventure and loving it. Eli and mom had a great time to so I can see this family adventure happening again soon. I really had to watch the tree roots so Eli didn't get shot off the seat! We saw E Kirby out there with his little guy, never too early so start them off road!
I'll have to send this up to the Fisher brand Manager and see what he has to say.
So after the family ride and a quick lunch I attemted to ride home on my road bike. It was going to be the third time in 3 weeks that I rode home from Lawrence. But, in rather strange stroke of luck I managed to flat and cut a tire before I even left town. There was no way to boot the slice so I scrambled for my phone to call the wife. Lucky for me she was getting gas and in no time I was back in the van for the trip home. Bummer, no bike ride but it's better than walking!
Go for the beard! Looks like you're on your way.
I don't think it's going to happen. I got the thumbs down from the family so I may have to shave soon.
Hey t-nuts, watch what you're sayin' there!
doh! I've been served.
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